Megjelent Huszár Ákos (TK SZI) és Füzér Katalin (PTE) új cikke az East European Politics and Societies folyóiratban

2021 decemberben online megjelent Huszár, Ákos (TK SZI), és Füzér Katalin (PTE). "Improving Living Conditions, Deepening Class Divisions: Hungarian Class Structure in International Comparison, 2002–2018." című cikke az East European Politics and Societies c. folyóiratban (IF 1.43). 

“The article investigates the changing relationship of class and the living conditions of individuals in Hungary in comparison with other European countries. The central question is to what extent class position determines the material living conditions of individuals in Hungary, how this relationship has changed, and how significant it is compared to other European countries. The analysis is a direct test of the death-of-class thesis in one of the core fields of class analysis. “
